
Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg
Große Gefühle

Joy, anger, curiosity, fear or hope: you probably know these feelings. But have you ever heard them? In music? Music can capture and express feelings. The composer Sergei Prokofiev, for example, set a heated argument to music in which you can feel the tension between the two parties with your hands. Leonard Bernstein's suite from "West Side Story" contains exuberance, joy or impatience, and his exuberant mambo makes you feel cheerful just by listening to it. You don't believe that? You can try it out for yourself - at the family concert in the Luitpoldhain.

Did you know, …

  • how many feelings are there? An infinite number, you might think. But science has discovered that there are actually only eight basic emotions: Fear, anger, joy, sadness, trust, disgust, surprise and curiosity.
  • that the title of Leonard Bernstein's "Scherzo" already says what feeling the music expresses: "Scherzo" is Italian and means "fun". 
  • which lovers are the most famous in the world? Most people say Romeo and Juliet. But William Shakespeare only made them up. And he did it over 400 years ago.
Concert programme "Große Gefühle"

Norbert Nagel (*1960)
Klassik Open Air Fanfare

Heinrich Sutermeister (1910-1995)
Suite from the opera “Romeo und Julia”:
Fanfare and Festmusik

Sergey Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Suite No. 2 from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" op. 64ter:
Julia als Kind - Die Montagues und die Capulets - Pater Laurentius - Tanz der fünf Paare

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
Symphonic Dances from “West Side Story”:
Scherzo - Cool Fugue - Rumble - Somewhere - Mambo

Artist portrait Roland Böer
Picture: Ludwig Olah
Roland Böer

Roland Böer has been General Music Director of the Staatstheater Nürnberg and Chief Conductor of the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg since the 2023/24 season. He has made guest appearances at leading international opera houses such as the Teatro alla Scala, the Royal Opera House and the English National Opera London, as well as the Deutsche Oper and the Komische Oper Berlin. As a concert conductor, he has led renowned orchestras such as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Deutsche Radiophilharmonie. From 2002 to 2008, he was Kapellmeister at the Frankfurt Opera. From 2009, he conducted the "Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte di Montepulciano" festival for twelve years and was principal guest conductor of the Mikhailovsky Theatre in St. Petersburg until 2019. He has made recordings with the Philharmonia Orchestra and the Bamberger Symphoniker, among others. Roland Böer was honoured by the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester with the Congregation Award RNCM Fellow and is an honorary citizen of the city of Montepulciano.

Staatsphilharmonie members with their instrumens
Picture: Ludwig Olah
Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg

The Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg is the largest orchestra in the metropolitan region and the second largest opera and concert orchestra in Bavaria. Roland Böer has been General Music Director of the orchestra since the 2023/24 season. Previous General Music Directors have included Marcus Bosch and Joana Mallwitz. The orchestra offers around 150 opera and ballet performances every year as well as its own concert series in the Meistersingerhalle, supplemented by special projects such as New Year's concerts and the "Dreiklang" series. The Staatsphilharmonie performed its first classical open-air concert in Europe's greenest concert hall in 1999 in cooperation with the city of Nuremberg. The orchestra's history dates back to 1377, when it was actually founded in 1922 as the " Nürnberger Philharmoniker". In 2012, the orchestra was renamed the ""Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg" and an orchestra academy was founded. For its 100th anniversary in 2022, the State Theatre founded the "Junge Staatsphilharmonie" on the initiative of Joana Mallwitz. Concerts and opera performances are regularly broadcast by BR-Klassik and Deutschlandradio Kultur.

Philipp Roosz

Philipp Roosz has been a music theatre and concert educator at Staatstheater Nürnberg since the 2018/19 season. There, he is in charge of the music education programme and moderates children's and youth concerts at the Staatsphilharmonie. He directs the children's opera choir and attaches particular importance to the diversity of the programmes, which appeal to music lovers of all ages. Roosz studied music, German and singing in Stuttgart and works as a singer, speaker and director. Since September 2021, he has also been the choirmaster of the young choir at the Musikschule Nürnberg.